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ICAB Registry

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Description of Member Types:
  • Member - Practising is a member who holds a valid general practising certificate issued by ICAB in accordance with its Public Practice Regulations. Such a member can engage in all areas of Public Practice, i.e.  audit, tax and financial/management consulting without limitation.     This member does not engage in audits of Public Interest Entities (PIEs).
  • Member - Pract PIE is a member who holds a valid general practising certificate issued by ICAB in accordance with its Public Practice Regulations. Such a member can engage in all areas of Public Practice, i.e.  audit, tax and financial/management consulting without limitation.  This member engages in audits of PIEs.
  • Mbr Practising Spl is a member who holds a valid specialty practising certificate issued by ICAB in accordance with its Public Practice Regulations. This member is restricted to 1 or more fields or areas of accountancy i,e.  audit or tax or financial/management.  
  • Member - Regular is a qualified member who does not hold a practising certificate.
  • Member - Retired describes a member over 60 years old who has retired permanently from full time work. 
  • Member - Overseas describes a member who resides and works outside of Barbados

A Practising Certificate issued by ICAB allows a member to engage in Public Practice. By-Law 91 (2) of the ICAB's By-Laws states that a member engages in Public Practice when personally or directly he provides or holds himself out to provide accountancy services to the public as an individual, principal or as a partner in a firm or as a director or manager of a body corporate providing such services to the public. The term "accountancy" includes but is not limited to preparing or advising upon accounts or financial information, auditing and financial reporting, taxation and financial or management consultancy (where the principal activity pursued is related to accountancy).