Terms of Reference

  • To monitor the agenda of Parliament and identify legislative changes which may be of interest to ICAB.
  • To make recommendations to Council concerning the professional and national consequences of current or proposed legislative and governmental measures.
  • To consider, keep under review and, where appropriate, make recommendations to Council on joint or independent representations or submissions to government or other appropriate bodies on all technical matters relating to the accountancy profession, with the exception of those relating to matters dealt with by the Accounting and Auditing Standards Committee and the Taxation Committee.
  • To liaise with other committees of Council on all matters of mutual interest.



CHAIR - Lalu Vaswani
Andrew Brathwaite Roland Jones         
Kevin Bryan Sabrina Maynard
Alan Cruikshank Darshani Workman
Latoya Depeiza  
MEETING DATE & TIME: Once every month at 5:30 p.m. (online)